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Following Up with the TIP Evaluation / Industry Needs Committee

Jun 21, 2018


After the North Region Targeted Industry Partnership’s (TIP) meeting on December 8th, each of the three committees went on their way to develop and execute a plan to achieve their respective goals. On January 25th, the Evaluation/Industry Needs Committee met to work towards their goal of defining the needs of manufacturers and found the common need is skilled employees. At the North Region TIP meeting, the committee brainstormed ways to reach other manufacturers and decided that a brief questionnaire would be the best way to define what manufacturers want and need from their employees.

Although the manufacturing industry is very wide spread, the committee worked together to define a simple list of questions based on the basic skills and necessities that are transferable across all industries. By establishing the manufacturer’s employee needs, a tangible list can be created to bring to schools and to the state to show the demand that is not being met and hopefully lead to more efficient manufacturing programs across the state.

It is important that manufacturers become involved and let their voices be heard. The more manufacturers involved, the more knowledge can be brought to the table in all areas of manufacturing. The Evaluation/Industry Needs Committee is also able to bring what they learn to the other two committees; Pathway Development Committee, which works with the education opportunities and the Marketing Outreach Planning Committee which generates the interest in manufacturing programs. With the knowledge gained from all three committees, the North Region TIP can make strides in the manufacturing industry.

We want to hear from you! The next Evaluation/Industry Needs Committee phone conference is on March 2nd at 3pm. For more information, please email Larry Taitel at admin@convertech.com. We have an opportunity to make a difference in the manufacturing industry!